Saint Gaudens National Historical Park : Fall 2023

Little Studio, Saint Gaudens National Historical Park, Photo by Carol M. Highsmith


Site: Sculptor Augustus Saint Gaudens’ home and studio in Cornish, New Hampshire.

Students: Architecture, Film/Animation/Video, Illustration, Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Industrial Design, Furniture Design, Sculpture.

Themes: The intersections of art and community in the U.S., including collective making among artists, the social power of public art, and histories of memorialization.

Books and Selected Essays: Gina Gano, The Little Art Colony and US Modernism; Suzanne Hinman, The Grandest Madison Square Garden: Art, Scandal, and Architecture in the Gilded Age; Erika Doss, Memorial Mania: Public Feeling in America; and Philip Deloria, “Ghosts on the Landscape of Memory and Mending.”

Guests: Matt King, Tufts University; Michael Rose, Providence Art Club

Exhibition: TBA


Student Work